Injection Day - 3rd Vacine

Saturday 9 July 2011

Today Aiden went to the baby clinic for his 3rd vacine. He had 2 jabs and 1 oral vacine. Weighing 6.9kg and 65.5cm tall, the paed said that he was in good shape. Paed say he can start having solid food already but must slowly introduce him to each ingredient 1 by 1 to monitor his body's reaction to it. Best to introduce veg and fruits to him first and then meat and seafood when he's above 6 months old. 

Aiden having his oral vacine

Aiden staring blankly, waiting for his queue

Video of Aiden having his oral vacine...didn't fidget much...was a good boy

Video of Aiden having his jabs

Click here to find out more on how Aiden spent his day...