Chicken Pox

Saturday 1 October 2011

Aiden got the shingles virus from mummy and developed his 1st chicken pox when he's 7 months old. Luckily we detected it early and quickly brought him to the paeds for anti-viral meds. Paed say he just passed his immunity period (usually between 0-6 mths), thus had a higher chance of getting the virus. He is too young to take the chicken pox vacine too.

Thank God for watching over Aiden. Throughout the duration of the outbreak, he didn't fetch any complications from the chicken pox virus as it can sometimes affect the brain and lungs in young children. He felt fine and didn't not have much discomfort. Think the anti-viral minimised the volume of the outbreak and the wounds dried up very quickly as well.

Aiden on the 1st few days of outbreak...face with calamine lotion

Still playing with his toys as usual

Chicken pox all over his body

Wounds drying up